Invitations Update

Manage Exchange meeting invitations on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Learn how to manage Microsoft Exchange meeting invitations with Calendar. You can use Calendar to invite colleagues to meetings, forward meeting invitations, propose new meeting times, and more. How Do I Update A Scheduled Meeting? If you have scheduled a meeting via the Zoom scheduler, a Meeting ID is generated. When you invite via your your calendar, the join instructions are automatically pasted to the calendar invitation. Note: Any edits to a meeting that is currently in progress will not take effect.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could customize meeting invitations sent by Microsoft Teams?

Standard meeting invite

When you send an invite to people you normally get an email with the following meeting details:

Is it possible to customize meeting invitations?

These invites do look a bit boring don’t they?


Customize meeting invitations

I wrote about the many policies that can be set in the Teams Admin Center a while back. Today I’m looking at one of the settings.

When you visit the Microsoft Teams Admin center you will find the meeting settings screen. In the meetings settings screen there is a section email invitations.

There are 4 things that you can customize:

  • A logo URL
  • A legal URL
  • A help URL
  • Footer

Ok, it would have been nice to be able to specify just some HTML so that you can fully customize meeting invitations so that the experience the users get is exactly how you want it. But this is a good start.

For the logo, legal and help URL you will need a site that can hold this information. I my example I’m using my SharePains site to host the logo and I’m referring to URLs of pages on my blog.

So I added the link and I used the logo of the HybrIT Services to make the invitations include a logo.

For the Legal URL and the Help Url I picked a url. Nothing exciting here.

For the Footer I added some footer text. This gives you the option to create any content in your invites.


On my development site I changed the above setting and then I sent myself an invite to a meeting and the invite looked like this:

Nothing changed!

That’s no good! What should I do?

Invitations Update Free

So I waited a but and after 30 minutes still nothing had changed. While the settings were definitely correct.

Then I tried to send out an invite one day later and the invite looked as expected!

My company logo is now visible and the footer text has appeared just below the logo. Then the two links that I supplied are available in my invitations as well.

Unfortunately I don’t have any control over the order or place where the different elements appear. You could see this as limiting the experience, however this also gives Microsoft the control to add new things to this footer.

The invites could for example include dial in numbers for people who do not have access to Teams or people who want to use their desk phone (do these still exist) to join a meeting.

Invitations Update Microsoft

It can take about an hour for the the invites to change according to the Microsoft documentation. Sometimes it is important to remain patient. When you customize meeting invitations in Microsoft Teams this is no different.