Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint

  1. Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint Test
  2. Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint Chart
  3. Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint Worksheet

Welcome to the first part of the Home Automation Workshop 2.

Part 2: Cleaning up your Facebook Profile. You take a critical look at your Facebook profile and compare it with your friends' profiles. Your profile actually seems okay. Social networking is fun again, and you're getting a lot of attention for your posts. This seems great to you, but your happiness is short-lived. In your business class, you learn about your. Scenario 1.2 Use the following to answer the questions Paws and Claws Hotel is a full service pet salon and boarding kennel. Paws and Claws has an interactive website where customers can directly book a grooming appointment, obedience class, or overnight accommodations for their dog or cat Paws and Claws has several unexpected services, such as a 600-square-foot swimming pool, complete with.

Part 1: Configure, Apply and Verify an Extended Numbered ACL. Part 2: Reflection Questions. Background / Scenario. In this scenario, devices on one LAN are allowed to remotely access devices in another LAN using the Telnet protocol. Besides ICMP, all traffic from other networks is denied. Part 1: Configure, Apply and Verify an Extended Numbered ACL.

In the first workshop, we discussed some basic home automation techniques using Arduino Board and Temperature Sensor.

Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint Test

In this blog post we will get to see how we can automate our house doors.


Automate Door Mechanism using Ultrasonic Sensor.

Components Involved:

  • Arduino Uno R3
  • Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • Micro Servo Motor
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper Wires


  1. Connect the 5V power of the Arduino board to the power of the breadboard (plus point). Similarly, connect the power (Vcc) of the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to the breadboard.
  2. Connect the power of the Micro Servo Motor to the breadboard. Similarly, connect the ground (GRND) terminals of the three components to the negative terminal of the breadboard.
  3. Now, connect the signal of the Servo Motor to the seventh digital pin of the Arduino board. (shown by orange in the fig).
  4. Next we connect the echo pin of the Ultrasonic Sensor to the D8 pin of the Arduino board and the trigger to the D9 pin.
  5. Our simple circuit is now ready. Next, we move on to the code.
  6. When you will simulate it, you will observe that as you move the object closer to the sensor, the door gets automatically opened. Similarly, when the distance between the object and the sensor increases the door closes.

This is it for our first scenario. Hope you liked the blog post. In the second scenario we will see how we can control our room lighting according to the daylight.

Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital FootprintScenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint

Take care, Stay safe !

History – Is important for reflections on the current and future - be it for a nation’s political landscape or- as we will be looking at in this series, for its #Automotive scenario! For any automotive industry professional these thoughts, musings will strike an emotional cord, or it will be a trip down memory lane.


I have been a witness in this whole journey having worked in Tier I. As is a general unwritten rule, there will be no reference to a particular brand; though the readership will be able to link it to one; if part of the same journey! There is a reason for the whole exercise; let me present it gradually.

If we look back and divide the time span in a period of 15-20 years each span will have a theme. We will come to the present period on the timeline and spend some time to think for a theme(s) for the zone 2020-2030. The span can have a different duration according to the challenges at the time, technological and sociological developments.

Span I – Pre 1985 – An Era of what can be termed as Bare wheels that move if you are in luck; maintenance or no maintenance!

The roads and the consumers had limited options just three brands, no SUVs just a jeep. Perhaps only 40-50 percent of people owning cars today have memories of this era. The Indian people were such a tolerant breed of consumers that they continued to live with the cars that were devoid of any features, comforts and could break down at its will at a critical point in travel!

Many have fond(!) memories or capers for each of the brands. Like someone may recall how owning a particular brand and before venturing out with family the checklist involved additional fallback tools and parts which can be a subject of amusement today. Sample this

  • Potatoes – to rub on the glass if wipers give way
  • Bunch of rags and water – to be used as a cooling mechanism if the fuel pump heats up in prolonged drive
  • A tray to collect drips from a leaky plug on the Gear box to avoid a large patch in the garage
  • Spare fan belt for replacement
  • Jumper cables for starting, sealant etc.

Span II 1985 -2000 - An Era of wheels, which were making the consumer experience a bit of comfort and reliability.

This period saw a series of essentials, comforts, and features added to the hitherto bare wheels. The regulation for the tandem system launched in this era; much relief to devil’s- mind - thinking of accident situations for the single circuits for the hydraulic brake system! On the comfort side, we got the cars cooled by a simple AC to graduate later to many climatic features. Our pedal efforts were reduced with boosters in the brake system first and later to clutches for SUVs. We got automatics in the steering and yes the gear box also if we are ready to cough up that extra! Some OEMs were promising to launch SUVs – few started rolling in small numbers.

Span III 2000-2020 - An Era of Wheels, which were closing the Gap with globally present vehicles -

The journey for enhanced comfort, reliability, and state-of-the-art features continued with much more sure footing! SUVs were here to stay; more global OEMs came to India in this phase.

Because of global OEMs, Government regulations, or demanding customers better exposed to global models on their business /pleasure trips OR a combination of all the three – Indian markets saw better fashioned and featured Vehicles on the roads.

Diesel / Petrol debate became murkier and Euro emission norms were upgraded much faster in the later part. Euro VI launched just as 2020 dawned. Deployment of Electronics on the vehicles was at quite high levels with more and more features on these.

Earlier decade also saw much more systemization in the auto industry in that the bodies of SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers), ACMA (Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India) were more active, cohesive. Automotive Mission Plan I for the duration 2006-16 was a joint effort between the policy-makers and the industry bodies; and it was very promising to see it was realized for the most relevant parts.

Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint Chart

QS/TS for quality systems was implemented from 95 onwards but was seriously implemented to its spirit in this period. Now sustenance, Risk management, Environment considerations, more regulations seem to be the focus in the coming days which will be covered in the next blog!

Alka Pande.
Automotive Industry Solutions Advisor at Sapours

Scenario 2 Part 1.2&your Digital Footprint Worksheet

40+ years in Engineering , Development and Quality functions in Tier 1 organizations in the Auto Industry. Last 5 years contributed for setting the framework for skilling in ASDC.