Flipped Classroomslcsd Educational Technology Resources

Flipped classroomslcsd educational technology resources technology

Spread the loveThe traditional model of teachers lecturing in the classroom and students completing practice and homework on their own is changing. Instead, students are learning on their own and using the classroom as a place to dig more deeply into what they’ve learned. This model, known as the flipped classroom, is gaining popularity thanks to the rise of EdTech. How does the flipped. Tackk: An easy tool for creating digital assignments homework, flipped class content, blended learning lesson material, etc.Tackkis an Internet based application that provides an easy to use interface enabling you to post an image, video, or other content and add some text so you can ask questions or post some other form of assignment. Video clips, educational games, and virtual simulations are just a few examples of technology resources you can use to engage and educate in the classroom. Plus, the vast majority of today’s careers require at least some digital skills (which include anything from complex skills like coding to simpler ones like composing and sending emails).

“I don’t do teaching for a living. I live teaching as my doing . . . and technology has increased my passion for doing so.” Dr. Jackie Gerstein believes that an important role and responsibility of the 21st century educator is to share resources, ideas, and instructional strategies with others. She tweets @jackiegerstein and blogs at User Generated Education (Teach 100 blog, #29)

The Flipped Classroom has jumped onto the education radar in recent years as a way to potentially alter pedagogical and instructional practices by utilizing emerging technologies.

In its simplest form, the flipped classroom is a model of learning where students watch content-related videos on their own time, freeing up classroom time for questions and discussion, group work, experiments, and hands-on and other experiential activities. The time spent on lecturing and lessons is literally “flipped” with the time spent on homework and projects. A lot of discussions have occurred, presentations have been made, and blog posts have been written about the flipped classroom: how to implement it; its potential to change educational outcomes and/or why it may not; it’s “fad” status; how it favors students of privilege; and so on.

Flipped Classroomslcsd Educational Technology Resources Examples

A broad range of ideas regarding the flipped classroom can be viewed through our list of selected articles (see below) from the Teach 100 ranking of educational blogs.

If the flipped classroom is to become more than the educational flavor of the month, the following things should be considered:

  • The flipped classroom takes advantage of modern technologies. Technology, including content-focused video, is providing educators with the opportunity to change and enhance their instructional practices.
  • Administrators, curriculum developers, instructional designers, and educators should examine, reflect upon, and discuss how technology has and is changing the nature of teaching, learning, work, and play. This, in turn, should lead to evolutionary and revolutionary changes in the way instruction is provided, and in which learning occurs and is demonstrated in the classroom setting.
  • The flipped classroom gives teachers and students opportunities for their face-to-face time to be engaging, enriching, and exciting. The content that, in the past, was provided via lecture during class time can now be reviewed by students on their own time and at their own pace. Watching video lectures doesn’t necessarily have to take place at home; it can also be done during class time, study periods, or during after school programs.

Flipped Classroomslcsd Educational Technology Resources Technology

  • The terminology related to the flipped classroom needs to fade as educators begin to transform their classrooms to be student-focused and cognitively sound (based on what we know about the brain and learning), with differentiated curricula based on student interests, learning preferences, and ability levels. Technological advancements can enable these processes to occur, and should eventually be looked on as just good pedagogy, not a new-fangled approach to education.

If you're looking to learn more about the flipped classroom approach, check out these selected articles from Teach100 bloggers:

Flipped classroomslcsd educational technology resources technology
  1. 'The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture' by User-Generated Education
  2. 'Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: The Flipped Classroom' by Inside Higher Education
  3. 'Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom With The New York Times' by The Learning Network
  4. 'What's A Flipped Classroom?' by Edudemic
  5. 'The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con' by Edutopia
  6. 'Flipping Your Classroom With Free Web Tools' by Free Technology for Teachers
  7. 'Can the Flipped Classroom Benefit Low-Income Students?' by Mindshift
  8. 'Understanding the Flipped Classroom' by Faculty Focus
  9. '‘Flipping’ classrooms: Does it make sense?' by The Answer Sheet
  10. 'A New Approach to Teaching? The Flipped Classroom' by Finding Common Ground
  11. 'We need to produce learners, not just students' by The Chronicle of Higher Education
  12. 'Flipped Learning Continues to Change Classrooms Nationwide' by Education News
  13. 'The Ultimate Guide to the Flipped Classroom' byTeachThought
  14. 'The ‘flipped classroom’ [WEBINAR]' by Dangerously Irrelevant
  15. 'TED-Ed: Lessons (videos) worth sharing' by iLearn Technology
  16. 'The Best Posts On The “Flipped Classroom” Idea' by Larry Ferlazzo's Websites Of The Day
  17. 'Flipping the Classroom' by Tech & Learning
  18. 'The “Flipped” Classroom and Transforming Education' by The Principal of Change
  19. 'Gathering Evidence that Flipping the Classroom can Enhance Learning Outcomes' by Emerging EdTech
  20. 'The Flipped Classroom: Students Assessing Teachers' by Teachers’ Leader Network
  21. 'Flipped Classroom: Students Assessing Teachers' by SmartBlog on Education
  22. 'Five Questions to Ask Before Flipping a Lesson' by edSurge
  23. 'Foundations of Flipping' by Kleinspiration
  24. 'Promise of the ‘flipped classroom’ eludes poorer school district' by The Hechinger Report
  25. 'Why The Flipped Classroom Is More Than Just Video' by Fractus Learning
  26. 'How the Flipped Classroom Turned Me into a Better Student' by Getting Smart
  27. 'The Truly Flipped Classroom' by A Principal’s Reflection
  28. 'Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos' by Catlin Tucker, Blended Learning & Technology in the Classroom
  29. 'Educators Answer Questions About the Flipped' by The Quick & the Ed
  30. 'How to Reach Struggling Students: Once You Flip, You’ll never go Back' by Flipped Learning
  31. 'Flipping out? What you need to know about the Flipped Classroom' by GradHacker
  32. 'Flipping The Classroom… A Goldmine of Research and Resources To Keep You On Your Feet' by 21st Century Educational Technology and Learning
  33. 'Flipped Classroom -- my thoughts on it, some other ideas, & infographic' by Educational Technology Guy
  34. 'Flipping For Your Faculty...It's Easier Than Videos' by Blogging About the Web 2.0 Connected Classroom
  35. 'Does Flipping Your Classroom Increase Homework Time?' by ASCD In-Service
  36. 'Changing Gears 2012: rejecting the 'flip' by SpeEdChange
  37. 'The Flipped Classroom: Getting Started' by Copy/Paste

Flipped Classroomslcsd Educational Technology Resources Definition

For the complete daily ranking of the best educational blogs on the web, visit the Teach100. To learn more about the Teach 100, or to work with Teach.com, email Teach100@teach.com.

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