Red Hat Satellite Server 6 Basic Configuration Workflow Prerequisites Before continuing with this workflow you must have successfully installed a Red Hat Satellite 6 Server and any required Capsule Servers. The 6 basic hyperbolic functions are defined by: Example 1: Evaluate the integral ∫ sech 2 (x)dx. Solution: We know that the derivative of tanh(x) is sech 2 (x), so the integral of sech 2 (x) is just: tanh(x)+c. Example 2: Calculate the integral. Solution: We make the substitution: u = 2 + 3sinh x, du = 3cosh x dx. Then cosh x dx = du/3. The third part of the proposition above is called the multivariate mean value theorem. The integral in it represents a matrix whose entries are the integrals of the corresponding argument, and thus the second term on the right hand side of the third statement is a product of a matrix and a (column) vector.
Mindy Piland is the owner operator of Yoga Time Studio in Loudoun County Virgina, located in historic downtown Purcellville. In 2005, Mindy finished a 6 month teacher training and was certified with Yoga Alliance.
Integration is a way of adding slices to find the whole.
Integration can be used to find areas, volumes, central points and many useful things. But it is easiest to start with finding the area under the curve of a function like this:

What is the area under y = f(x) ?
We could calculate the function at a few points and add up slices of width Δx like this (but the answer won't be very accurate): |
We can make Δx a lot smaller and add up many small slices (answer is getting better): |
And as the slices approach zero in width, the answer approaches the true answer. We now write dx to mean the Δx slices are approaching zero in width. |
That is a lot of adding up!
But we don't have to add them up, as there is a 'shortcut'. Because ...
... finding an Integral is the reverse of finding a Derivative.
(So you should really know about Derivatives before reading more!)
Like here:
Example: What is an integral of 2x?
We know that the derivative of x2 is 2x ...
... so an integral of 2x is x2
You will see more examples later.
The symbol for 'Integral' is a stylish 'S' |
After the Integral Symbol we put the function we want to find the integral of (called the Integrand),
and then finish with dx to mean the slices go in the x direction (and approach zero in width).
And here is how we write the answer:
Plus C
We wrote the answer as x2 but why + C ?
It is the 'Constant of Integration'. It is there because of all the functions whose derivative is 2x:
The derivative of x2+4 is 2x, and the derivative of x2+99 is also 2x, and so on! Because the derivative of a constant is zero.
So when we reverse the operation (to find the integral) we only know 2x, but there could have been a constant of any value.
So we wrap up the idea by just writing + C at the end.
Tap and Tank
Integration is like filling a tank from a tap.
The input (before integration) is the flow rate from the tap.
Integrating the flow (adding up all the little bits of water) gives us the volume of water in the tank.
Simple Example: Constant Flow Rate
Integration: With a flow rate of 1, the tank volume increases by x
Derivative: If the tank volume increases by x, then the flow rate is 1
This shows that integrals and derivatives are opposites!
Now For An Increasing Flow Rate

Imagine the flow starts at 0 and gradually increases (maybe a motor is slowly opening the tap).
As the flow rate increases, the tank fills up faster and faster.
Integration: With a flow rate of 2x, the tank volume increases by x2
Derivative: If the tank volume increases by x2, then the flow rate must be 2x
Example: with the flow in liters per minute, and the tank starting at 0
After 3 minutes (x=3):
- the flow rate has reached 2x = 2×3 = 6 liters/min,
- and the volume has reached x2 = 32 = 9 liters
And after 4 minutes (x=4):
- the flow rate has reached 2x = 2×4 = 8 liters/min,
- and the volume has reached x2 = 42 = 16 liters
We can do the reverse, too:
Imagine you don't know the flow rate.
You only know the volume is increasing by x2.
We can go in reverse (using the derivative, which gives us the slope) and find that the flow rate is 2x.
- At 1 minute the volume is increasing at 2 liters/minute (the slope of the volume is 2)
- At 2 minutes the volume is increasing at 4 liters/minute (the slope of the volume is 4)
- At 3 minutes the volume is increasing at 6 liters/minute (a slope of 6)
- etc
So Integral and Derivative are opposites. |
We can write that down this way: