+D4TC is open to all exhibitors 21 and younger.
Down-trading has been defined as 'reducing the number of features (and their associated benefits) or the quality of a product to suit the selling price demanded by its customers'. It has also meant the consumer's behaviour of opting for such products, which would be priced lower with less features. These are questions I get asked from time-to-time about my trading, and I want to lay things out as carefully as possible. If you're wanting to ask questions about my YouTube, refer to my YouTube page because this page is strictly for the trading page.
+Calves shown do NOT need to be sold by sponsor.
+We will hold our Prospect Shows separate from our Bred Female and Progress Market shows.
+Every exhibitor receives sponsor products, prizes or cash! Prepay's receive sponsor shirts.
+Vendors welcome email for info. info@d4tc.com
+What is sponsored calf= Calf shown by a sponsor or purchased from sponsor. (Not required)
Location & Amenities:
+Our 4th annual show will be held at the North Iowa Event Center in Mason City, IA. (3700 4th St SW)
+This facility is 5 miles from I-35 and Hwy 218.
+The Event Center offers every amenity required to have an event like D4TC.
Nongame Show Stuffdavid Down's Trading Pageant
+Early registration is available online & printable registration form. Click here for form.
+Early registrations must be postmarked by Nov 10th or completed by Nov 15th online to receive sponsor shirt and receive early pay discount.
+Enclosed tie-stalling available for $10/hd.
+Horse Box Stalls available with indoor wash rack $45/wkd (3 hd per stall max)
+Wood shavings will be available on site, may bring your own wood shavings only.
+Tremendous amount of room around the grounds to stall off trailers.

Schedule of Events:
Friday Jan 1st -
9 AM to 2 PM- Exhibitor Check-in (All Breeding Heifers) (Market Animals Optional Early Check-in)
3 PM- Purina Feeding Clinic & Sullivan Supply Fitting Clinic
4:30 PM- Showmanship
Saturday Jan 2nd-
-9 AM- Prospect Junior Breeding Heifer Show (Heifers born 9/1/2019 and after)
Nongame Show Stuffdavid Down's Trading Pages
-Prior to final drive of Prospect show- Annual Rick Frye 'Actions Over Words' Award presentations
Nongame Show Stuffdavid Down's Trading Page 13

-Following Prospect Show- Senior heifer show (Heifers born from 1/1/2019 to 8/31/2019)
-1-3 PM- Late Check-in of Market Animals
Sunday Jan 3rd-
-9 AM- Prospect Junior Market Show (Under 900#)
-Prior to final drive of Prospect show- Annual Rick Frye 'Actions Over Words' Award presentations
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-Following Prospect Show- Progress Market Animal show (Animals 900# plus)