The Victorian Curriculum F10effective Curriculum Ideas

The victorian curriculum f10effective curriculum ideas 4th grade

These are the sources and citations used to research Teaching. This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on

The Victorian Curriculum F10effective Curriculum Ideas 5th

  • High Impact Teaching Strategies: Excellence in Teaching and Learning

    2017 - Department of Education and Training - Melbourne

    In-text: (High Impact Teaching Strategies: Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2017)

    Your Bibliography: 2017. High Impact Teaching Strategies: Excellence In Teaching And Learning. Melbourne: Department of Education and Training, pp.3-28.

  • Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)

    Inclusive Teaching: Intellectual Disability


    In-text: (Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET), 2017)

    Your Bibliography: Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET), 2017. Inclusive Teaching: Intellectual Disability. [online] Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 September 2017].

  • Department of Education and Training

    Selecting Teaching and Learning Resources

    2017 - State Government of Victoria

    In-text: (Department of Education and Training, 2017)

    Your Bibliography: Department of Education and Training, 2017. Selecting Teaching And Learning Resources. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 September 2017].

  • Frymier, A. B.

    Students’ Classroom Communication Effectiveness

    2005 - Communication Quarterly

    In-text: (Frymier, 2005)

    Your Bibliography: Frymier, A., 2005. Students’ Classroom Communication Effectiveness. Communication Quarterly, 53(2), pp.197-212.

  • Ministry of Education, Guyana

    Effective Communication Tips for the Classroom

    2015 - Government of Guyana

    In-text: (Ministry of Education, Guyana, 2015)

    Your Bibliography: Ministry of Education, Guyana, 2015. Effective Communication Tips For The Classroom. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2017].

  • RMIT University

    Teaching practice - Engaging students through learning activities


    In-text: (RMIT University, 2014)

    Your Bibliography: RMIT University, 2014. Teaching Practice - Engaging Students Through Learning Activities. pp.1-6.

  • Victorian Curriculum Foundation-10

    By Unit / Lessons: Victorian Curriculum Planning

    2017 - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

    In-text: (Victorian Curriculum Foundation-10, 2017)

    Your Bibliography: Victorian Curriculum Foundation-10, 2017. By Unit / Lessons: Victorian Curriculum Planning. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 September 2017].

Our modern learning spaces enable us to implement the latest innovative and evidence-based practices. Our approach to learning and teaching at St Francis Of Assisi is one that supports individual development in a caring and supportive environment. Students grow and progress at very different rates during these years, and we ensure that programs are individualised so that students experience success. Students are encouraged to become confident and independent learners, empowered to learn and take on challenges. St Francis of Assisi Curriculum is aligned with Victorian Curriculum. The curriculum is a common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life long learning. Our aim is for all students to be active and informed citizens.

Suggested teaching and learning ideas; access to online resources; Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) resources, including sample planning templates. Resources link to content descriptions in the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics. They are organised by the strands and sub strands of Mathematics and incorporate the proficiencies. The Companion is designed to assist teachers build their knowledge and understanding of the Victorian Curriculum in Mathematics and how it can be incorporated into a teaching and learning program. Teachers use this to determine the topics that will be used to develop the knowledge and skills set out in the Victorian Curriculum F–10. The diagrams illustrate the progress of hypothetical students in learning English language in Australia. They can be used to further understand the factors impacting on an individual student's learning and to inform discussions about the value of sociolinguistic profiles in developing appropriate teaching and learning programs and pathways for EAL students. Below: A screenshot of The Progressive Curriculum Framework for the Victorian Curriculum Writing (download this framework here). Note in Level 2 as denoted by bolded & coloured font: the introduction of four new text types, an additional audience, and that punctuation must now be used accurately. Victorian Curriculum 7-10 Jacaranda provides new and better ways to dramatically improve teaching and learning with complete coverage of the Victorian Curriculum and a choice of digital or print formats.

w is an outline of Learning Areas and Capabilities: This is a list of what we aim for our student to KNOW, be able to DO and who we want them to BE. Our curriculum is designed into KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND DISPOSITIONS.

The victorian curriculum f10effective curriculum ideas lesson
  • English: Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Arts: Music, Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Visual Arts
  • Languages: Italian (Prep to Four). Students can choose to
  • learn Japanese or Italian in years Five & Six
  • Humanities: History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business
  • Technologies: Design and Digital
  • Capabilities: Personal and Social Learning, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Capability and Intercultural Understanding.

At St Francis of Assisi, students learn to appreciate, enjoy and use language. The development of literacy skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening foster confidence, thinking and imagination. This aims to develop students’ potential to fully participate as active and engaged citizens.

Through the study of English, students learn to analyse, understand and communicate with others.

Our school places emphasis on Literacy learning skills across all curriculum areas. The Victorian Curriculum based English Program consists of:

  • two hour daily Literacy Block for Prep to Year 6.
  • focused teaching of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
  • meeting individual needs of students through Focused Teaching Groups.
  • assessment and reporting of Literacy development.
  • students read a wide variety of texts and learn to analyse, critically reflect and respond to what they read.
  • Early Invention Programs such as; Year 1 Reading Recovery.
  • Literacy Support Program.
The victorian curriculum f10effective curriculum ideas 5th

A variety of school based and online assessments are used at St Francis of Assisi to monitor student progress, identify needs and plan for focused teaching, intervention or extension.

Students are assessed in the areas of :

  • Reading and Viewing
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening

We believe the study of Mathematics is fundamental in ensuring that students are provided with the necessary skills to actively and capably participate in society. Mathematics at St Francis of Assisi provides students with the essential skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Our Mathematics program is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum documentation.

Mathematics aims to ensure that students:

  • are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics.
  • are able to investigate, analyse, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives.
  • are able to pose and solve problems.
  • appreciate Mathematics as an accessible learning area to study.
  • are engaged in a structured 1 hour Mathematics lesson daily.
  • use a growth mindset to solve challenging real life mathematical problems.

Religious Education at St Francis of Assisi School forms part of a life long process of religious formation, which helps students develop into people who reflect the image of God, our Creator. We aim to reflect the life of Christ in all aspects of the school, so that young people can experience the values of a Christian community based on love, compassion and justice.

At St. Francis of Assisi, we offer a structured program of learning that introduces children to the Catholic-Christian tradition. We use our school’s Vision, Learning Centered Schools and the Sacred Landscape model developed by the Archdiocese of Melbourne, to guide us.

In addition to this, we provide opportunities for involvement in class masses, school masses, prayer liturgies, meditation, sacramental programs and workshops as well as religious leadership by our students.

We promote the values of a Christian community across our curriculum. We work in partnership with parish priests, parish community and parents to enrich our student’s religious education experiences to carry forward the mission of Jesus Christ and our patron saint, St Francis of Assisi.

At St Francis of Assisi, we believe inquiry-based learning is an approach that allows the learner to question, seek knowledge and come to a deeper understanding of themselves, others and their world.

We believe the teacher acts as a facilitator to guide students in becoming life long learners using skills that are transferrable across all curriculum areas and life experiences. Students are explicitly taught skills and provided with ongoing feedback to enhance their learning.

At St Francis of Assisi, students are:

  • involved in creating new understandings by thinking and working creatively, exploring and experimenting, planning and reflecting, communicating and collaborating.
  • involved in the appropriate and ethical use of contemporary technologies and resources that enable and transform learning.
  • given learning opportunities to build relationships in and beyond the classroom.
  • given choices that enable them to pursue their interests and follow flexible pathways to future studies and work.
  • given responsibility for managing their own learning supported by goal setting, reflection and feedback.
  • exposed to a curriculum which is design using an inquiry approach to learning where students build, investigate and personalise new knowledge and skills through big ideas.

The Victorian Curriculum F10effective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade

Our curriculum design is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum and Horizons of Hope Framework.



Where students investigate ‘health and safety’ ‘wellbeing and identity’ and ‘learning to learn’ skills.

The Victorian Curriculum F10effective Curriculum Ideas


Where students investigate ‘environmental sustainability’ and ‘natural systems’.


Where students investigate ‘community and organisation’ and ‘cultural diversity’.


Where students investigate ‘change over time’ and ‘technological advancements and innovation’.